Please fill out the form below so we can help you in selecting the best Ultra-Prop propeller for your ultralight aircraft or airboat application.
As the official manufacturer of Ultra-Prop Propellers, we offer the best prices for the Ultra-Prop and all components and kits.
Order by phone at 248-266-4286 or order by email using We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover Card, and American Express. We will email you an invoice and you can use the “Pay Now” button to pay with your credit card or you can request paying with PayPal.
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Ultra-Props for Ultralights, Trikes, PPG’s, Gyrocopters, Air-Drives, Airboats, and Hovercraft
We offer the Ultra-Prop I and II, high performance composite propellers designed for use on ultralight aircraft including ultralight trikes, gyrocopters, and powered parachutes. The Ultra-Prop is also compatible with airboats, hovercraft, and air-drives for Flounder gigging and bow fishing.
The Ultra-Prop Propellers and propeller components we feature are manufactured for easy assembly and long life. Choose from 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 blade propellers and select the ideal pitch and optimum diameter to suit your craft (up to 66" on 2, 3, and 4 blade propellers, 67" on 5-blade propellers, and 67 1/2" on 6-blade propellers). You will hear and feel the remarkable difference an Ultra-Prop makes on your first run-up.
Special notes:
Complete Assembly Instructions and decals are included with each kit.
Prices, specifications, and performance data are subject to change.